92411 Abbot Rd., Knappa, OR Mailing address PO Box 1372, Astoria, OR 97103 E-mail, bkssportsmensclub.com go to for membership forms and information.
Facebook site is now public, 6/29/2011. With help, I think the BKS Sportsmen's Club facebook site is now public. I will be doing some checking and see if there are any bugs and correct them. If you have a facebook site, then go to the bks site and ask to join. It is set for friends only at this time and will see how that goes and if other changes are needed.
The following pictures and info has been changing over the last year and many new changes have happened. I am behind on posting new pictures and other info on how the club is improving and expanding. Some of the past areas in Archery have been changed and a new trailwalk has been added. Lots more to happen but it takes time and money. Ongoing workshops and seminars happining at the club and going into fall will create more cooler temp in which to train. Call or email with your questions.
The Clubhouse, running water, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, porta potty, situated on a secluded timber road, locked gate, great view, why am I not selling real estate.
The Club has 2 trap throwers. Normal shotgun shooting is on Sunday's.
East trap range.
North trap range.
This was the Rifle/Pistol shooting bench several months ago.
Looking at the front of the shooting table. Notice the water puddle.
Looking down range from the shooting table. The end of the range at this time is about 95 yards.
Standing in front of the table looking down range.
Looking at the side of the shooting table. A load of rock was brought in and really makes a difference.
Looking at the shooting area after the rock was spread.
The south side of the shooting area. Plenty of room to ad a 10 X 10 EZ up and double the shooting area.
Notice the 2 shooting tables that fold up and allow up to 3 pistol shooters at a time.
One person shooting her pistol and Ken working with his muzzle loader.
A better view of the shooting tables but not of Ken.
Side view of the new rifle bullet stop.
This is where the targets will be mounted for shooting. Notice the 3 hooks on the left side that will hold 2X4's for target mounting.
This is hard to see but if you look down range you will see a tan square and that is the new target holder.
One rifle shooter and three pistol shooters at the same time. Yes, more than just one shooter at a time.
Walking ken through the balloon shoot to work on muscle memory on draw and fire.
Walk, aim, shoot to leave danger behind.
Additions are some off center target holders for pistol. Trying to get a little angle so we can have 3 different target holders and distances.
Standing out from under the shed gives you a much better view and idea of being able to shot a rifle and several pistol shooters at the same time. There will be another fold down pistol shooters bench when I get time to plan it and yet be behind the muzzle of a rifle shooter.
The newly added shooting table for rifle or pistol.
Added muzzle/shell barrier. New rifle/pistol bench moves back to this window.
The window is up allowing a second shooter relief from muzzle blast and still able to maintain visual safety on the firing line.
Don reclaimed part of the old parking area. Clean up is in progress. The old steel outhouse will be made into a target storage shed for now.
Two shooters using the new bench and still room on the folding benches for more shooters.
Under layment for Range path.
First pass.
Just enough.
Second pass.
Completed path.
More women shooters using the range.
Good posture and grip.
As it looks now with extra covering.
Today 10/18/2013.
The SIRT Range is open. What is SIRT? Go to Google and type in Sirt training and look at the SIRT Pistol. Then you will understand the concept.
This is the smaller training board. I larger size is ready and is more complex. An in-out trail is u-shaped and one can walk in and pratice and back out doing training shots as you backtrack out.
You can see a target in the back ground but there are another dozen fallen tree stumps that will be used to attach smaller targets to do the walk through process. Remember, there is NO LIVE FIRE ALLOWED on this course. This can also be used with you firearms laser light to see what you are aiming at and dry fire to follow through.
The SIRT village awaits you.
Back just a ways to see more of the targets.
Backwards retreating targets.
Almost at the starting point. Targets must be in clear view before one can press the trigger. If blocked by branches the forward or rear action takes place before a target is valid.
The small but efective range has 6 targets at this time and hosts a regular stance position and a tactical stance position for each target. If you shoot both regular and tactical then you have 14 stations possible.
Target #1 regular stance at 15 yards. Tactical shot is standing so you are 90 degrees to the target, either direction.
Target #2 is being set up at this time but look at the stringe going out to the middle of the picture. This is a 31 yard shot. Tactical shot is behind and you must aim and release the arrow using only your non-dominant eye.
Target #3 regular stance is 20 yards. Tactical stance is a sit down on the bank to aim and release behind the regular stance position.
Target #4 regular stance is 31 yards, shooting between the "V" of 2 trees. Tactical stance will be infront of the trees and you will aim and release at an awkward standing position.
Target #5 regular stance is at 22 yards. Tactical stance is the red stake, closer to the target but this must be aimed and realeased while kneeling.
Target #6 regular stance is 15 yards. Tactical stance is 5 yards behind and must be shot using your oposite shooting stance. If right handed you shoot left handed, etc.
Target #7 is really shooting at Target #2 but from a different spot by Targets #5 & 6 shooters stations. I was asked not to post the pictures of this angle due to it's difficulity and cause undo stress to shooters.
The new Bench/Table that was donated by Ernie. The new "Hot Spot" of the club. Sit or use the table to work on your bow.