Me, Mari and Steve, Senior Range Master of our class.
Picking up and saving some of our targets after the class.
Mari working on going through the door on a room entry exercise.
Me and the RM of the Tactical Shotgun Course. It was tough but a fun and intense course.
We had to shoot over, under and each side during the shotgun exercise.
Shoot off during the shotgun class. Look at all the hulls on the ground.
One of the Instructors on the Skill Builder course. Turning targets and building speed and accuracy.
Skill Builder class and 103 degrees.
Skill Builder class, second line during the test. Notice all wearing a conceal garment as that was part of the final testing.
senior RM during the Skill Builder Night Shooting course. That was fun and only 105 degrees when we start.
Senior RM on the Advanced Tactical Shooting course. Tough, fast and covered a lot of various styles.
Advanced Tactical shooting from cover.
Advanced Tactical and you can see we are shooting with one hand only. Then we shot with only the other hand.
Senior RM on the 4 Night Defensive Handgun course. Never a dull moment, shooting in 109 degrees and using your flashlight only.
Front Sight 2 day Rifle Class. My partner and me.